Tracking Custom Smart Contract
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If you want to track a custom smart contract, such as a DeFi liquidity pool, DAO governance contract, or any other type of contract beyond ERC-20, ERC-721, or ERC-3643, you can easily set up a new event stream in just a few simple steps:
Project Categorization: select the project name under which you would like to categorize this custom smart contract. If no project has been created yet, click on "+ Projects," enter a project name in the field, and click "Add Project."
Network: Choose the blockchain network where the custom smart contract is deployed.
Smart Contract Address: Enter the address of the custom smart contract you want to monitor.
Contract Type: Select the "Track Custom Smart Contract" radio button to specify that you are tracking a non-standard contract.
Custom ABI Name: Assign a name to your custom smart contract for easy identification.
Custom ABI: Input the custom ABI (Application Binary Interface) of the custom smart contract in JSON format. For deployed well-known contracts, such as an Uniswap V3 liquidity pool, you can find the ABI directly from the blockchain explorer of the respective network. Simply enter the contract address, navigate to the "Contract" section, and copy the ABI in JSON format.
Event Type: Define the specific events emitted by the smart contract that you wish to track (e.g., swaps, liquidity additions, governance votes).
Notifications: Select your preferred notification method to stay informed about events related to the custom smart contract. Options include email or webhook, allowing seamless integration into your workflow for real-time updates.